This Research attempts evaluation of urban land taxation in Gujarat, India. From the
British Colonial past, India has inherited a sort of semi-feudal system of land
distribution, which follows social norms and traditions along with some flavor of
Common Law as the base for distribution, ownership & taxation varies accordingly.
Constitution of India includes Directive Principles, which aims at reducing the
concentration of wealth, and means of production from the hands of a few is on ‘acid
test’ after economic liberalization in year 1991. The tax authority has to harmonize new
socio-economic challenges with constitutional obligations. The study is based on
secondary data in form of relevant legislations, policy & budget documents and court
judgments. Primary data will be generated from response of land taxpayers, tax
practitioners & legislators. Taxpayers will be selected by using sampling techniques from
representative urban centers. In the light of above, this report will analyze and evaluate
to what an extent urban land tax system in Gujarat is objective, efficient, effective and